We can’t vouch for the safety or legitimacy of any of the custom files the community has created for this project so proceed at your own risk. The Windows 10 image file and RAM fix you’ll need to make this work are constantly changing as are their download locations so you’ll need to find them via the Windows on Raspberry Pi Discord Group, which is where all the developers hang out and share updates.

Amir Dahan is the creator of Windows 10 Lite, Marcin is responsible for UEFI and Pete Batard responsible for the 3GB RAM fix. However, before you begin, please note that this is not an official Microsoft product and the source of the images and software used is from a passionate and vibrant community working together to create this project. Recent developments have now made it possible to run Windows 10 somewhat-competently on a Raspberry Pi 4, at least as a proof-of-concept We’ll show you how to install Windows 10 on your Raspberry Pi below. In 2019, we tried installing a hacked version of Windows 10 on a Raspberry Pi 3 and it ran, but it was extremely painful to use.